Our Mission

Burnett International College is dedicated to provide high quality post-secondary training in the allied health field, which will prepare students to gain the necessary skills or enhanced skills to become employed in today’s job market.

Our Purpose

Burnett International College will be regionally recognized as a leader amond academic health care organizations by cultivating a tradition of excellence and innovation in education, training, and service.

Our History

Burnett International College was founded by Burnett International University, Inc., and Chartered on April 27, 2010 in the State of Florida.

The College was licensed by the Florida Department of Education through the Commission for Independent Education (CIE) as a proprietary, postsecondary college on January 27, 2011. It was established on the same month; four days after getting the license.

Burnett International College began its first class on January 31st 2011, with 24 students. At the end of the 2010-2011 academic year there were 56 students enrolled in the following programs: 49 Associate of Nursing, 5 Practical Nursing, and 2 Physical Therapy Assistant.