BIC Leadership Structure and Governance

Board of Trustees

The BIC Board of Trustees is the public body corporate of the university. It sets policy for the institution, and serves as the institution’s legal owner and final authority. The BIC Board of Trustees holds the institution’s resources in trust and is responsible for their efficient and effective use. The BIC Board of Trustees consists of six citizen members appointed by the Governor and five citizen members appointed by the Board of Governors. The Chair of the Faculty Senate and the President of the Student Body are also voting members.

The Board of Trustees of Burnett International University, Inc. consists of the following current members:

Father Burnet Moise, M.Div. President/Chief Executive Officer
Wiener Leblanc, MD Academic Advisor
Myrtha Ameda, BSN, MSN Nursing Program Director
Marie Carmel Laguerre, BS Secretary-Treasurer
Dr. Roger Firmelus, MD Member

School Administration

Father Burnet Moise, M.Div. President/Chief Executive Officer
Shawn McPartland, M.D., J.D. Campus Director
Margaret Brown Administrative Assistant
Myrtha Ameda, BSN, MSN Nursing Program Director
Brenda Reyes, BS, MS Admissions Representative
Margaret Williams Financial Aid Director
Gladis Lopez Registrar Officer