Frequently Asked Questions

In an effort to better serve you, we have listed the most commonly asked questions that we have received from prospective students. Please feel free to contact us to receive even more information about our programs.

Does Burnett International College accept courses from other colleges and universities?

Burnett International College accepts all coursework from accredited colleges and universities. Not every course meets general education requirements. The School of Nursing has developed transfer guides for most of the Florida colleges and universities. The guides outline which courses will meet Burnett International College Nursing Program and General Education requirements. Please contact the college if you have any questions about course selections and transfers from other schools.

Will dual credit courses completed in high school from community college, transfer to Burnett International College (BIC)?

If the courses were completed from an accredited college or university, they will transfer to BIC. Not every course may meet specific general education requirements for the School of Nursing. Please contact the nursing advisor if you have any questions about transfer of credits.

How can I find out if courses will meet school of Nursing specific general education requirements?

General Education requirements for nursing are listed under the nursing link on the main page or you may contact the Admissions Office and pick up the list. If you are currently enrolled at Burnett International College, your advisor will help you each semester to select courses that meet the College and the nursing program requirements. If you have any questions about required coursework, please contact the nursing advisor.

May I complete required course as pass/fail?

All College/University requirements and required nursing courses must be completed for a grade. Humanities and unrestricted electives may be completed pass/fail. A student, who has completed 24 or more semester hours and has a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher, may elect to take one course per semester on a pass/fail basis.

How many credit hours are required for full time status?

Students are defined to be full-time in the fall and spring semesters if they are enrolled in at least 12 credit hours. During the summer session, at least 9 credit hours are required for full-time status.

How do I schedule an appointment with an advisor?

You may contact the admissions office and set up an appointment with a counselor at 561-736-3998. Or you can send an email to

What are the requirements for application to the Nursing Program and how do I apply?

Nursing courses are completed at the Junior and senior level. Students may apply to the nursing major following completion of:
1. Thirty credit hours of Burnett International College specified general education requirements, while maintaining a
2. Cumulative grade point average of 2.50

Note: The number of students admitted each semester is based on the adequacy of clinical placements and teaching faculty. Students are selected for admission without discrimination in regard to race, color, age, gender, religion, national origin, ancestry, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or marital or parental status. Applicants who have been convicted of a felony may be considered for admission only if, in the judgment of the Admission Committee, the applicant has been satisfactorily rehabilitated.

However, applicants should be aware that current Florida law provides that no license, certificate of qualification or authorization to practice nursing as a licensed professional nurse shall be granted to a person with a felony conviction for a crime against persons as specified in Florida Statutes Annotated, as amended.

The School of Nursing requires students applying for admission to disclose any current chemical dependency and the nature of treatment being received.